Diamond competiton

I had the privilege of participating in the prestigious Diamond International Competition, where my team and I achieved first place. Diamond serves as a platform for showcasing innovations from across Armenia, with a primary objective of actively engaging youth in social initiatives and various processes.

Our team’s groundbreaking project, ElectRoads, takes center stage, focusing on the integration of specific materials beneath roadways to generate energy from alternative sources. This initiative not only aligns with the competition’s mission but also contributes significantly to the broader discourse on sustainable energy solutions.

As the competition advances to its final stage in the United States, I am honored to represent Armenia on this global platform. The prospect of showcasing ElectRoads on an international scale is both exciting and gratifying.

Participating in this competition has been an unforgettable experience for me, and I am grateful for the opportunity. It not only underscores the potential impact of our project but also highlights the importance of fostering innovation and collaboration among young minds. I eagerly look forward to the upcoming challenges and the chance to contribute to the discourse on sustainable solutions in the final stage of the competition.

Winning pitch video:


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